We thought when we first offered flat rate shipping nearly a year ago in response to the Covid 19 that we would be done with the pandemic by now. But it looks like we need to stay socially distanced for a few more months, and so to help with that we’re re-instituting flat rate shipping in the hope that you will send one our products to someone you care about rather than taking it to them.
Most of the conditions of the offer are the same as before, but there are a few
changes. First, the offer only applies to orders shipped by USPS to a single
address in the US from now through August 31th . The website will not accept
orders with shipping dates later than that until we open up the webstore for
holiday orders beginning on September 1st ---with, who knows, perhaps an other
Second, instead of a minimum order, there is now a maximum order of $100. If
you’d like to order more than that, or to ship by UPS, you certainly can, but the
shipping will be calculated in the usual way.
Finally, we’ve raised the flat rate from $5 to $7. The lower rate was simply too
costly for a tiny company like ours. Hey, we may not be Bezos, but we’re not
bozos either.
Stay safe, keep munching, and carry on for a little while longer.